Sunday, December 25, 2011

Responses to the Christmas Message


Dear PN,

Many thanks for your Christmas Greetings which Veena and I warmly reciprocate.

To be frank, your Christmas message is excellent. It is a gust of fresh air, so badly required in today's Church and our misguided brethren who have mistaken the wood for the trees. It is a very powerful and down to earth message. We have forgotten that Christ came and preached a simple life of love. This has been forgotten in our misplaced "social action" and bigoted behaviour.

Slovenia being an alpine country is cold. We have had some snow. The temperatures are on an average -5 to 10 degrees. However we are enjoying the place.


Jayakar (Jerome)

Dear PN,

Thank you very much for your Christmas greetings and the attached message. The message is typical of your secular thinking and so appropriate in the present environment of fundamentalist intolerance. The saddest part is that those who profer homilies are themselves not free from what they are complaining against and that too in a spirit of condescension. And politicians add to the intlerance by their uninformed postures. I cannot help recalling Edmund Burke who famously said,""Those who carry on great public schemes must be proof against the most fatiguing delays, the most mortifying disappointments, the most shocking insults and what is worst of all, the presumptuous judgements of the ignorant"

I wish you and your family Christmas greetings and all the best during the coming new yhear.


Dear brother,

Thank you for the insights into Christmas, Christ and Christ like personalities. This message will certainly reach the hearts of everyone.



Dear Benji,

Thank you for forwarding the text of your sermon at the Institute o
World culture . It is well written and my congratulations! I am sure
people who will listen to these words will get a different word. Wish
you all the blessings
achen(Rev. K.C.Abraham)

Dear P N,

Thanks for the most inspiring message. I wish more and more people listen to such messages in these troubled times when life has lost its meaning !

Warm Regards,

Rev.Dr.M.Mani Chacko, Ph.D( Lond.)
General Secretary
The Bible Society of India
'LOGOS', # 206, Mahatma Gandhi Road
Bangalore- 560 001

Tel : 080 - 4112 4714, 4112 4715, 4151 2580 ( O )
080 - 25599020 ( R )
E. Mail :

Dear Benji

Very balanced speech. Good. am happy for you.
Wish you and May the blessings of Christmas.

joe & susheela Thomas

Dear Benji,

I am so happy to see you engaged in the good fight keeping values which many people will not be able to understand or appreciate. We are keeping well but with growing restrictions and restricted involvments. i have retired but am kept busy with grand kids and some church related activites.

Take care
Our best wishes and prayers to you , May and others in the family.
George Ninan (Bishop )

Benjamin, I read the message with rapt attention(which i usually do with all your text) and heart goes with you to the "so called Christians" who are more concerned about the ritualistic aspect of Christmas rather than feeling the love towards your brothers and sisters, the real spirit meant to be.

Cheers to that, hic..

The Abrahams (SOM)

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