Friday, December 28, 2007

Alex on Jesus

It is indeed very true, that "Our world is in pain, and our existenceis in danger. We are seeking a diagnosis of the sickness of thehumanity as well as an effective remedy. Our visit to Jesus' worldgives us a better perspective to our own world because there is somuch in common between these two worlds." The Prince of Peace abhorred violence and became an exemplar ofunconditional forgiveness. And, yet we have our so-called Christianleaders who profess born-again Christianity but find it impossible tocurb their righteous indignation without unleashing bombs, and mightyarsenals to subdue their "enemies".Is'nt it in the name of Christianity that the Christianfundamentalists are cheering on for the fighting or fomenting of armedconflicts in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan etc? We seem to have learntvery little from the deadly outcomes of the Crusades of the past. Itwill take perhaps, more like Gandhi, Mandela, Dalai Lama to exemplifyunconditional forgiveness than any of the Christian preachers that wehave seen or heard so far.As long as Christianity remains merely as a tool in the hands ofwestern imperial powers to extend and maintain their hegemony over thepoor nations of the world, our faith will always remain suspect in theeyes of non-Christians. We see massive lying and cheating among ourso-called Judeo-Christian political leaders here in the US andelsewhere and yet they unashamedly call for greater transparency, lesscorruption and nepotism, and more democracy for minorities etc.,particularly in the developing nations!The sickness of humanity persists in my view, because those that havebeen given much by way of our faith through the tenets of Jesus areunable to live by their faith. Our leaders both political andreligious do not seem to have much trust in the strength and vitalityof unconditional forgiveness to solve any of our massive problems thatface us on this shrinking planet. Even our own orthodox factions areunable to walk the talk!The remedy for this world's evils is to find more people (especiallyour political and religious leaders) to practice our faith than merelytalk about it. It is worse still when they use warped logic to justifytheir war-mongering instincts by calling them as "just wars" or pursuetheir struggles for supremacy through the courts as our Church hasbeen doing.It seems to me nothing short of a people's rebellion against ourleaders (both political and religious) is likely to improve mattersfor mankind. That calls for sacrifice along the lines what Jesuswarned us. How many of us are ready for making personal sacrifices? Wemay assuage our pangs of dismay by writing columns or comments of thiskind. Is that enough?Regards, Alex

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